Stay healthy this Monsoon: Natural Remedies for Seasonal Sickness

Monsoon is a season that everyone loves, especially after the scorching summer. The monsoon rains bring relief and many people enjoy getting drenched in the rain. However, amidst the fun, we often forget that this rain also brings along bacteria that can cause various illnesses. Fevers, colds, coughs, and sore throats. These illnesses are common during the monsoon season. In such times, there is a need for natural remedies that can help us recover from these monsoon-related ailments without the need for medications.

Let’s explore some natural remedies that can help us get relief from illnesses commonly experienced during the monsoon:

Natural Remedies for Fever During Monsoon

Fever is quite common with the onset of the monsoon, but there is no need to panic. You can alleviate monsoon fever with a few simple remedies.

Applying Cold Compresses
As soon as you get a fever during the monsoon, the first thing you should do is apply cold compresses. Placing a cold, wet cloth or sponge on your forehead and the back of your neck helps reduce fever symptoms. You can also use cold compresses on areas that tend to remain warm, such as the soles of your feet, forehead, armpits, palms, neck, etc.

Keeping the Body Hydrated
Did you know that drinking water can help reduce fever? How? Let me explain—water helps keep the body hydrated. Drinking more water can help eliminate half of the body’s toxins because water detoxifies the body and flushes out infections.

Using Holy Basil (Tulsi) for Quick Fever Relief
If you want to recover from fever quickly, consume holy basil. Basil has been considered highly beneficial since ancient times due to its numerous nutrients. Take 20-25 basil leaves and boil them in water until the water is reduced to half. Then, add a teaspoon of honey and mix it well. Drink this water three times a day for three days, and you will see that your fever will subside quickly.

Natural Remedies for Cold During Monsoon

It is often observed that due to our negligence during the monsoon, the common cold becomes our constant companion throughout the season. We often ignore it, thinking it’s just a common cold, but that’s not the right approach. It’s important to take care of your health.

Ginger and Clove Tea
If you want to get rid of a cold quickly, consume ginger and clove. The natural compounds in these ingredients help eliminate the bacteria causing the cold. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the body, thereby strengthening the immune system.

Turmeric and Milk
Turmeric has antimicrobial properties that help fight germs. It also helps boost the immune system. Therefore, drinking warm milk mixed with turmeric at night can be very beneficial in providing relief from colds and coughs.

Natural Remedies for Cough During Monsoon

The monsoon brings along pleasant weather but also brings various health problems, one of which is cough. Although cough is common, it can become dangerous if not treated properly.

Turmeric Milk
If you are troubled by a cough during the monsoon, you should mix turmeric in milk and consume it. Turmeric has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from infections.

Basil and Honey Decoction
Cough is often caused by bacterial infections, so it is essential to adopt natural remedies to eliminate these infections. A decoction of basil and honey is very effective in this regard. These ingredients help boost immunity and provide relief from throat irritation.


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